General Information, BOYD BALKWILL MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT, 2015 (Orillia Minor Lacrosse)

PrintGeneral Information




  1. In order to be eligible to play, all players and bench personnel must present their original white OLA Registration Certificate (cards) with all three stamps (club, zone & OLA) to the tournament director or arena convener at least 30 minutes before the start of their first game.
  2. Teams are expected to be ready to play 15 minutes prior to the start of their scheduled game.
  3. All Ontario Lacrosse Associations rules will apply for tournament play.
  4. Warm up will start as soon as both teams from the previous game are off the floor. A delay of game penalty may be assessed if your team is not on the floor at the expiration of the warm up.
  5. It is the responsibility of the coaching staff to note any errors in the reporting of the score and to make the referee aware of these errors as soon as possible so they can be rectified before the conclusion of the game. Changes cannot be made to a game sheet after it has been signed by the referees.
  6. Any game misconduct, gross misconduct, match penalty, etc. is subject to a fine levied by the OLA. A team representative will be asked to sign a fine sheet at the conclusion of the game in which the penalty was assessed. The fines are not payable at the tournament. Instead, the OLA will invoice the organizations for fines owed.
  7. Fighting will not be tolerated. Fighting will result in a 5 minute major penalty an immediate game misconduct and ejection from the tournament.
  8. Points and Advancement

    WIN = 2 points

    TIE = 1 point

    LOSS = 0 points



Round Robin


Three (3) 15 minute periods. Three (3) minute break(s) in between periods

Three (3) 15 minute periods. Three (3) minute break(s) in between periods

No time outs

One (1) 60 second time out

Last two (2) minutes stop time. When more than three (3) goal spread, not stop time.

Last five (5) minutes stop time.

No overtime

10 minute ‐ Sudden Victory until there is a winner





Tie Breaker Formulas


In the event of a tie in points between two teams the final standings shall be determined as follows:

  1. The team that won the greater number of “Goals For” in games played, during the competition, between the two teams tied shall be declared the winner of the higher position. (HEAD TO HEAD)
  2. If tie exists, the Goal Average Formula will be used to break the tie. All goals scored in ALL games during the competition, shall be used in the goal average computation (see formula below)
  3. If a tie still exists, the team with least penalties in minutes in all Round Robin games played shall be declared the winner. In the case where the teams have not played the same number of games, the lowest average of the penalties in minutes in all Round Robin games shall be used to declare the winner
  4. If a tie still exists then a coin toss will decide the winner.




  1. The team(s) that won the greater number of “Goal’s For”  in games played, during the competition, between the team(s) tied shall be declared the winner of the higher position.(This eliminates the team(s) from the group that was tied) (HEAD TO HEAD TO HEAD)
  2. If tie exists, the Goal Average Formula will be used to break the tie. All goals scored in ALL games during the competition, shall be used in the goal average computation
  3.  If a tie still exists, the team with least penalties in minutes in all Round Robin games played shall be declared the winner. In the case where the teams have not played the same number of games, the lowest average of the penalties in minutes in all Round Robin games shall be used to declare the winner
  4.  If a tie still exists then a coin toss will decide the winner.


The team with goal average closest to 1.0 shall be declared the winner