This Tournament has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for abuse of tournament officials including but not limited to Referees, Timekeepers, Tournament Directors, Arena Staff or Volunteers. Obscene or objectionable language or actions in the stands, on the floor or on the player’s bench will result in your removal from the arena.
This is an OLA sanctioned invitational tournament and all Ontario Lacrosse Association (O.L.A.) rules are applicable.
A team will consist of a maximum of 19 players (18 + 1) if only 1 goaltender is dressed or 20 players (18 + 2) if 2 goaltenders are dressed.
No more than 2 goaltenders may be dressed per team at any one time.
In order to be eligible to play, all players and bench personnel must present their original OLA Registration Certificate (cards) to the tournament registrar or arena convener before the start of their first game. DIGITAL COPIES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. Cards must be available at all times if additional verification is required. The roster will be locked within GSI. Any additional players to be added to a team’s roster must provide the OLA Registration Certificate prior to that game. Any player found to be illegal shall be removed from the tournament and points (goals) removed. Cards stamped “HOUSE LEAGUE ONLY” will not be accepted. Please register 1 hour before the start of each game.
All players and goalies must have helmets on while on the bench during game play.
The number of personnel allowed on the bench for any tournament game is limited to five (5). A team may have only one (1) trainer present on the bench at any one time.
MR7.13 (1) Any team who is scheduled to play in the invitational tournament, appears with less than six (6) players, or fails to put in an appearance, shall lose its bond, and the club shall be further assessed a fine of $250 by the OLA.
MR7.13 (4) Any team who defaults (withdraws from or shows up with less than six players to) a game at any point in the tournament must default the remainder of their scheduled games.
Teams should have an extra set of sweaters available, in case of colour conflict.
The designated home team is responsible for sweater changes should conflict arise due to sweater similarities. The opposing team will not be allowed on the floor during a sweater change. If the home team does not have an alternate sweater set, the guest team will change.
On-Floor decisions rendered by the referees are final and cannot be protested.
It is the responsibility of the coaching staff to note any errors in the reporting of the score and to make the referee aware of these errors as soon as possible so they can be rectified before the conclusion of the game. Changes cannot be made to a game sheet after it has been signed by the referees.
Any game misconduct, gross misconduct, match penalty, etc. is subject to a fine levied by the OLA. A team representative will be asked to sign a fine sheet at the conclusion of the game in which the penalty was assessed. The fines are not payable at the tournament. Instead, the OLA will invoice the organizations for fines owed. It is then up to the individual organization to collect said fine from persons involved.
A hearing will be held for all match penalties or gross misconducts will be held at the tournament as per the 2023 OLA Automatic Discipline Policy.
Fighting will not be tolerated. Fighting will result in a 5 minute major penalty, an immediate game misconduct and ejection from the tournament.
4 game guarantee. No championship game as per OLA Paperweight Rules.
4 game guarantee. Championship games per division.
The following game format will be followed. Warmup may be shortened at the discretion of the Tournament Director or Convenor should games be running behind. Teams should be available and ready to play at least 15 minutes ahead of their designated start time.
• 3 Minute Warm-Up • 3 Periods x 15-minutes (running time)
• 3 Minute Rest between Periods
• U7- 2 min buzzers as per OLA Rules. 3 periods x 16-minutes
• U9 & U11 - Stop time in the last 2 minutes of the game (if 5 goals or less difference)
• U13 – U17 – Stop time in the last 5 minutes of the game (if 5 goals or less difference)
No Time Outs except for Semi-Finals or Championship Finals– Players may not approach the bench during goalie water breaks.
Points Break down
- 2 points for win
- 1 point for tie
- 0 points for a loss
Tie Breaker for 2 Teams
In the event of a tie in points between two teams, final standings shall be determined as follows:
1. The team that won the greater number of points in games played, during the competition, between the teams tied shall be declared the winner of the higher position. (HEAD TO HEAD)
2. If tie still exists, the Goal Average Formula will be used to break the tie. All goals scored in all games during the tournament shall be used in the goal average computation. (See Goal Average Formula below).
3. If a tie still exists, the team with least penalties in minutes in all tournament games played shall be declared the winner. In the case where the teams have not played the same number of games, the lowest average of the penalties in minutes in all tournament games shall be used to declare the winner.
4. If a tie still exists, then a coin toss will decide the winner.
Tie Breaker for Three or more Teams
1. The team(s) that won the greater number of points in games played, during the tournament, between the team(s) tied shall be declared the winner of the higher position. (HEAD TO HEAD TO HEAD)
2. If tie still exists, the Goal Average Formula will be used to break the tie. Only goals scored in all games between the tied teams shall be used in the goal average computation. (See Goal Average Formula)
3. If a tie still exists, the team with the least penalties in minutes in all tournament games played shall be declared the winner. In the case where the teams have not played the same number of games, the lowest average of the penalties in minutes in all tournament games shall be used to declare the winner.
The Goal Average Formula is defined as follows:
The team with goal average closest to 1.0 shall be declared the winner
Playoff Games:
- If teams are tied at the end of regulation time, there will be a three-minute rest and teams will not change ends.
- Then 10 minute periods of running time with victory being declared upon the scoring of the first goal (sudden victory).
- This format will continue until a winner is declared.
- One 60 second time-out will be allowed per team in all Semi-Final and Championship Games. There will be no additional time outs permitted. Players may not approach the bench area during goalie water breaks.
- There will be no shoot-outs.
- Each team will be prepared or ready to play 15 minutes prior to game time.
- Your coach or team manager will need to present a PRINTED OLA Membership Registration Certificate (aka OLA Card) for all players and bench personnel before the start of your first game.
- For those of you who are new to lacrosse, you can obtain these cards/certificates from your organization’s registrar if you do not already have them. You will need them for every tournament you enter including the Provincials.
- In past years, our association has incurred the cost of repairing damages done to the arenas and adjacent buildings from lacrosse balls. We do not want to lose our permits to use the arenas.
- We would greatly appreciate it if all coaches could remind players and parents that ball throwing is not permitted in the arena halls, dressing rooms, outside the arena or against the wall of the neighbouring buildings.
Team management will not permit any of their players to enter the playing surface while any players from the previous game remain on the floor.
Any players entering the playing surface between scheduled games shall wear CSA helmets.
All teams are to be dressed and ready for play 15 minutes prior to their scheduled game time.
The OMLA does not tolerate disrespect within the environment. OLA rules and regulations with respect to player, coaches or participants will be in effect and enforced.
Spectators whose conduct is disrespectful, harassing, belligerent or detrimental to the game, the participants or referees will be asked to leave the tournament locations immediately. OMLA tournament reps will contact the Manager of the offending team to communicate this message to their spectators.