Boyd Balkwill Memorial Tournament, Boyd Balkwill Memorial Tournament, 2019 (Orillia Minor Lacrosse)

Boyd Balkwill Memorial Tournament

Team Information

Primary Contact Information

Secondary Contact Information

1) Registration will be on a first-come, first served basis upon receiving registration application and full payment. Make cheque payable to: Orillia Minor Lacrosse. Please mail your completed application and payment to Orillia Minor Lacrosse, C/O Scott Balkwill, PO Box 415, Orillia, ON L3V 6J8. Acceptance into the tournament will be confirmed once payment is received

2) A full refund will be issued for any cancellations received on or before May 12 (less admin fee). Cancellations received after May 13th will have no refund granted.

3) Rules and Regulations:  The tournament is sanctioned by the (OLA) Ontario Lacrosse Association and is subject to OLA Rules and Regulations. Official Rules will be distributed with schedule, once all teams are confirmed.

4) A link to complete your roster online will be forwarded to you at a later date for completion.