OMLA Registration is now OPEN online!, News (Orillia Minor Lacrosse)

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Jan 14, 2018 | Nicole Gardy | 2362 views
OMLA Registration is now OPEN online!
We're pleased to announce that registration for our 2018 Box and Boys Field Lacrosse programs is now open. This year OMLA has moved to exclusively online registration, there are no exceptions and this is the only way to register your child for all Lacrosse programs. 


How to register:

Complete the OMLA registration process.

To register, please read the information below and follow this link: 


All New Players (if your child has played field lacrosse in the past they do have an existing profile) will need to create a profile.  Here are a few helpful hints to make the process easier. 


1.) Click on New registration.


2.) This next point is important. Please choose to create your registration from the family account unless you are a non parent coach/trainer or bench staff.  Please enter all the requested information on yourself, your spouse and your players. If you do this then you will prevent multiple emails to yourself from the club.

If you are a non parent coach/trainer/executive or bench staff you can register as a single user.

***It is important to list all members of your family who could possibly  be managing, coaching, being the trainer, or who is an executive member on your family account. HOWEVER please DO NOT register them yet.  Just list them on your Family Account. Once the bench is selected the registrar will contact you to have the appropriate individuals set up from your family account.   There is a portion that the administration has to set up on our side before those positions can be registered. 


3.) Each player registration will be required to have a proof of age document in digital format to upload. A coach/trainer or bench staff position will require proof of certification required for the position to be uploaded in digital format. The digital formats accepted are either a jpeg or pdf.  

Instructions for those of you who don't have a scanner.  First take a clear picture of the entire document. Second you need to save the picture to the device that you are doing your online registration from. Third, once you are prompted to upload the document you will be able to do so as a jpeg, or pdf document. 


4.) You can only pay online for Registration. 



If you require assistance please contact Michelle [email protected] or Nicole [email protected]