BOYS FIELD DATES!! REGISTER NOW!, News (Orillia Minor Lacrosse)

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Feb 22, 2020 | Trevor Scheffel | 1005 views
Hello Boys Field Lacrosse Players!

Here are a few important field lacrosse dates to put on your calendars:

1. Feb. 24th - This is the FINAL DAY for boys field lacrosse registration

2. Feb. 26th - U15 tryout 7-9pm @ ODAS park

3. Feb. 28th- U15 tryout 6-8pm @ OLMB 52 Jamieson Dr. Oro Medonte

4.  March 5th - All field lacrosse teams to try on our sweet new jerseys! Jersey order night @ Rotary place, upstairs in meeting room, 7:30-9:30pm

5. First games start April 10th- 11th weekend