2021 Annual General Meeting, News (Orillia Minor Lacrosse)

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Oct 13, 2021 | Nicole Gardy | 900 views
2021 Annual General Meeting
The Orillia Minor Lacrosse Association AGM will beheld on Wednesday, November 3 at 7:30pm.

The meeting format and location will be determined as the date gets closer due to covid restrictions. while an inperson meeting is preferred, that may not be possible, in which case< an online link will be provided.

Emails will be sent to eligible members with meeting details one week prior to the meeting date.

We have several positions on the Executive board that will need to be filled:

President (2 year term, must have served on the board previously)

VP Rep Box (1 year remaining in term)
VP Girls Box REP (2 year term)
VP Boys Feild (2 year term)
VP House League (2 year term)
VP League Development (1 year remaining in term)

Registrar (2 year term)
Secretary (1 year term)
Scheduler (1 year term)
Sponsorship & Fundraising (1 year term)
Tournament Director (1 year term)
Equipment Manager (1 year term)
Website & Promotions (1 year term)

If you would like to express an interest in a role, or would like more information, please let us know.

Nicole Gardy
[email protected]