Feb 19, 2022 | Nicole Gardy | 702 views
Orillia Minor Lacrosse Association charges a $50 administration fee for ALL REFUNDS unless the program is cancelled by the OMLA, to cover costs associated with OLA registration, card and banking fees.
Clinics, tryouts or specialty programs may be designated as non-refundable.
NO REFUNDS will be issued once the season begins on the floor /field, except under individual extenuating circumstances as approved by vote of the Executive Committee.
The “season start” is defined as the first scheduled time on the floor or field after being selected to a rep team or the first scheduled time on the floor for house league programs.
If a player has not been selected for an OMLA Rep team, the player will be automatically placed in the house league program if offered.
Should OMLA not offer a suitable program for the player, a full refund will be issued.
If any promotional items are issued at the time of registration, this cost will be deducted from the refund.
No refunds will be issued until any equipment belonging to OMLA is returned in acceptable condition.
All requests for refunds must be in writing to the OMLA Treasurer and Registrar with the child's name, division, the person to issue the refund to, the date of request and reason for refund clearly indicated.
All refunds will be issued by cheque.