Jul 25, 2022 | Clarke | 709 views
Ontario Lacrosse Festival
Good luck to our u13's and u15's this weekend kicking off the Ontario Lacrosse Festival! Our u13's play the Arthur Aces at 10:00am on Friday and the u15's take on the Akwesasne Storm at 12:30pm in pursuit of a provincial title!
Sunday July 31st our u9's take the floor against the Sudbury Rockhounds at 9:00am to begin their round robin play!
Friday August 5th the u11's and u17's will wrap up the lacrosse festival with round robin games beginning at 11:00 am for the u11's against Mimico and the u17's take on the Cornwall Celtics at 1:30pm.
Good Luck to all teams! For full schedules and results please visit ontariolacrossefestival.com