Girls Field Divions, Fees and Refund Policy, News, Girls Field (Orillia Minor Lacrosse)

This Category is part of the season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 12, 2014 | atwyman | 1090 views
Girls Field Divions, Fees and Refund Policy
Girls Field Lacrosse

Little Lady Kings 2007-2009
U11 2004-2006
U13 2002-2003
U15 2000-2001
U19 1996-1999
Senior 1995 and older        

New this year - LITTLE LADY KINGS program  $100
Little Lady Kings players registered by March 20will receive a coupon for a free girls field lacrosse stick & goggles from 2nd Century Sports (limited to first 40 players) 

Runs Tuesday evenings from May 6th to June 24that Rotary Place fields - West Orillia Sports Complex  Girls age 5 to 14 (U11, U13 and U15 birth years) $150

Includes House League  
Runs April to mid-July/August, girls age 8 and older

U11, U15 and U19 - Saturday games at Hosting Centres
U13 and Senior - Sunday games 

U11 $225 ($150 payable at registration and $75 payable by April 30)(jersey supplied)

U13 $245 ($150 payable at registration and $95 payable by April 30) (plus jersey cost)   

U15 $265 ($150 payable at registration and $115 payable April 30)(plus jersey cost)   

U19 $265 (plus cost of jersey) Depending on registration numbers, 2 teams may be fielded for U19 
Senior $265

** All Registration Fees are payable in Canadian Funds **   

Customer Service Information Email:  [email protected]
Mail:   P.O. Box 415, Orillia, ON   L3V 6J8   Canada
Phone:  (705) 326-4733     
REFUND POLICY Any refund must be requested via email to [email protected] and will only be accepted until May 15 of the current year. If any promo items (sticks or goggles) are issued at the time of registration, this cost will be deducted from the refund.All refunds granted will be subject to a non-refundable $50 administration fee.   No refunds will be issued until ALL equipment belonging to OMLA is returned in acceptable condition.
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